Monday, April 24, 2017

The One Where He Ate Rat

This week's post is a group effort. I took clips from things Elder Brendan wrote to well, everyone.
So if he happens to write you- and says anything give me a holler.
You too, could be featured on this blockbuster of a blog!
Here are his words this week:
this week was good i went back to the east side for an exchange and well it was really fun we picked up some new people yesterday they seemed cool im still not quite able to teach but hopefully soon my spanish is improving though other  then that though it was a pretty regular week sorry i know you hate me cause i dont know what to tell you lol but sorry love you

Here was our little back and forth aka, where I try to drag things out of him. But first, this random picture he sent, which sparked a conversation.
Thirty pounds down and looking a bit like Jared Fogle
What is that collapsed garage you are in? And your jeans look hella baggy? Do you need new ones?
thats service we did thats all just wood we threw in a dumpster and ive lost thirty pounds
I just mailed you a case of protein bars today. ️
I need one story from you. 
Just use some detail and walk me through something that happened this week.
Just try it for me.
of course i got one so we went to service for uncle XXX just btw hes gay im pretty sure but we get there and i helped pull a fuel pump from his van it was really fun 
Did you get the fuel pump fixed? I didn't know you knew how to do that. I thought garage time you spent with Dad was just a lot of farting around.
no it was the best time yes i got it fixed
What kinds of things do you eat at dinner appointments?
i have no clue what i eat but its good except mola
What is mola?
its chicken with chocolate its disgusting we dont have it that often just google it right now i would eat about any american food dont get me wrong hispanic food is delicious but tortillas and beans gets old lol also i ate rat the other day it tasted pretty good though
Take notice of the house number
Indianapolis, Indiana
So yeah.
I'm glad the protein bars are winging their way to Indy.
No wonder he has lost weight.
Sometimes missions in the states are every bit as foreign as the ones served outside of the country.

Monday, April 17, 2017

The One With Moab

It has been a family tradition to spend a week in Moab around this time of year. There is an annual event in Moab,"Easter Safari" that as the name suggests, usually coincides with Easter. We have photos of Sam changing Elder Brendan's diapers on the hood of the Jeep on Moab trails. 23 years, we have been coming. By "we" I mean Sam and the kids. I avoided it as long as I could- before I caved and joined them. I split my time in Moab between some easy, non-threatening trail days, and spending time by myself, by the pool at the hotel while the rest of the family enjoys white-knuckling it over obstacles. It is a hobby I have never understood, but I see the positives in tradition and "taking one for the team" in hopes of making family memories.

That being said, this is the first year that Elder Brendan has not been in attendance. It left us all with a hole in our hearts, and it was pretty depressing to look back and NOT see the brown Jeep (Hawaiian shirt and bare feet sticking out) following behind us.

Brendan in Moab last year, 2016
I was tentative with my e-mail subject material this week, knowing how hard it would be for Elder Brendan to be missing this week. Sure enough, his words made my heart hurt.
Here is his e-mail:
this week was pretty good ill be honest this was a harder week for me im able to bear testimony and pray in spanish and stuff its pretty sweet i enjoy it a lot send me lots of pics of Moab also grandpas honorary Hawaiian shirt i bet its amazing i miss all you guys a ton i missed Moab a lot sad  huh christmas was easy compared to moab its fetching hard but other then that we had some cool experiences this week like a less active member in the branch he was having some issues because his wife recently passed away due to cancer and he hadnt been coming to church but we had a dinner with him on Saturday and we shared the Easter video as well as Alma 40 about the spirit world and he really opened up to Elder Cepeda and I and told us that hes been struggling it was really a cool experience and yeah other then that not much lol
I know this kid is right where he needs to be. I know he is serving his little heart out- and bringing joy to others. But as his mom, knowing he is hurting, even a little- because he is missing out on something he truly loves is hard.
Everything worthwhile comes with sacrifice.
I have seen him changing, and becoming less selfish. I have noticed the ways that his testimony of the gospel has grown. I have watched him cultivate the desire to be obedient, and all of the blessings that come from that one choice.
It is all worth it.
I hope he thinks so too.
We are nearing his year (half-way) mark. I know how quickly the second year flies by- and that helps to ease the ache I have of him being separated from us.
Elder Wadley, Elder Cepeda

Indianapolis, Indiana- the Spanish Elders

I don't know where the tie came from, but it is awesome.
This is the video that he shared. A 2:33 message of peace and hope.
This is the purpose of his two years.
To bring people to Christ.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The One With Sorry I Don't Write Good

Some people tell me that they like reading this blog, bless your hearts. I have thought about closing it down time and time again. I just don't feel like I ever get anything worth reading from Indiana.
I know things are happening, Elder Brendan just doesn't share them.
Take for instance this picture from last week, remember this? When I wondered why in the crap there were missionaries on the roof?
Well. One of the roof-dweller's mom's read the blog post and asked her daughter about the pic, and the Sister Burgon gave an explanation (thank you Burgon Sisters):
Good morning! I sent your sons letter and a copy of the "rooftop" pic to my daughter to see if we could solve the mystery....
Here is what she had to say...
hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha oh my goodness Elder Wadley.....haha they were burning ties for their something-month mark and they needed a lighter so we gave them ours to use....this is right by our apartment on a pull out by the road that leads to the river....thats why E.Wadley is lower than all of us hahahaha because he went next to the river while we stayed up closer to the road-entrance part 🙂 hahaha good he doesn't write much
No kidding. So why doesn't he think any of these things are stories?
This week I actually dug something out of him.
Here is his initial letter:
hey mom this week was kinda suck to be honest sorry i dont write good but i dont know what to tell you cause its the same crap day in and day out and i find it boring my area is the west side of Indy im with Elder Cepeda i came out with him you met him hes really cool and very determined and thats something really cool general conference was good tbh (to be honest) i still get bored and that sounds terrible but i hate sitting and i hate writing notes so yeah... also its hard writing stories when you dont really know what people are talking about my Spanish is coming along good though i can understand a lot more then before so yeah pretty sick right 
Then this picture came in:
I asked if it was the view from his new apartment.
It is the view from THE HOSPITAL.
Why was he there?
i was there because i gave a blessing to my old bishop from terra haute he got bit by a spider and was sent to indy and his wife came to our building to watch conference and I gave her our number and got to give him a blessing
Pretty cool.
I am not sure why these things don't occur to him to write home about.
His tonsils still look healthy.