Some people tell me that they like reading this blog, bless your hearts. I have thought about closing it down time and time again. I just don't feel like I ever get anything worth reading from Indiana.
I know things are happening, Elder Brendan just doesn't share them.
Take for instance this picture from last week, remember this? When I wondered why in the crap there were missionaries on the roof?
Well. One of the roof-dweller's mom's read the blog post and asked her daughter about the pic, and the Sister Burgon gave an explanation (thank you Burgon Sisters):
This week I actually dug something out of him.
Here is his initial letter:
I asked if it was the view from his new apartment.
It is the view from THE HOSPITAL.
Why was he there?
I am not sure why these things don't occur to him to write home about.
His tonsils still look healthy.
I know things are happening, Elder Brendan just doesn't share them.
Take for instance this picture from last week, remember this? When I wondered why in the crap there were missionaries on the roof?
Well. One of the roof-dweller's mom's read the blog post and asked her daughter about the pic, and the Sister Burgon gave an explanation (thank you Burgon Sisters):
Good morning! I sent your sons letter and a copy of the "rooftop" pic to my daughter to see if we could solve the mystery....
Here is what she had to say...
hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha oh my goodness Elder Wadley.....haha they were burning ties for their something-month mark and they needed a lighter so we gave them ours to use....this is right by our apartment on a pull out by the road that leads to the river....thats why E.Wadley is lower than all of us hahahaha because he went next to the river while we stayed up closer to the road-entrance partNo kidding. So why doesn't he think any of these things are stories?hahaha good he doesn't write much
This week I actually dug something out of him.
Here is his initial letter:
Then this picture came in:hey mom this week was kinda suck to be honest sorry i dont write good but i dont know what to tell you cause its the same crap day in and day out and i find it boring my area is the west side of Indy im with Elder Cepeda i came out with him you met him hes really cool and very determined and thats something really cool general conference was good tbh (to be honest) i still get bored and that sounds terrible but i hate sitting and i hate writing notes so yeah... also its hard writing stories when you dont really know what people are talking about my Spanish is coming along good though i can understand a lot more then before so yeah pretty sick right
I asked if it was the view from his new apartment.
It is the view from THE HOSPITAL.
Why was he there?
i was there because i gave a blessing to my old bishop from terra haute he got bit by a spider and was sent to indy and his wife came to our building to watch conference and I gave her our number and got to give him a blessingPretty cool.
I am not sure why these things don't occur to him to write home about.
His tonsils still look healthy.
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